Customer Satisfaction and Cyberloafing at Prestige Ltd.

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Organizational Behavior – Rating: 8/10
Leadership – Rating: 9/10
Human Resource Management – Rating: 7/10
General Management – Rating: 9/10
Strategy – Rating: 8/10

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In this case study, we explore the challenges faced by Prestige Ltd., a multinational consumer electronics company. The newly appointed CEO, Julia Evans, grapples with a dual dilemma – declining customer satisfaction and a surge in cyberloafing among employees. As the company’s reputation and bottom line suffer due to delayed responses and inefficiencies in addressing customer complaints, internal audit reports reveal that 40% of employees spend an average of 2 hours daily on non-work activities, adversely affecting productivity. Julia must find a delicate balance between addressing customer satisfaction and implementing strategies to combat cyberloafing without compromising the company culture. The case prompts readers to step into the shoes of decision-makers and apply their theoretical knowledge and critical thinking to devise strategies for resolution. With strategic relevance, engaging storytelling, and real-world challenges, this case serves as an enlightening and practical resource for students and professionals alike in the fields of organizational behavior, leadership, human resource management, general management, and strategy.

The top 5 course categories from the list and rate how much the case aligns with each of them on a scale of 1 to 10:

  1. Organizational Behavior - Rating: 8/10 The case study delves into the intricacies of organizational behavior by exploring the challenges faced by Prestige Ltd. in balancing employee satisfaction and customer satisfaction. It highlights the impact of cyberloafing on productivity and customer service quality, which are relevant topics in the field of organizational behavior.
  2. Leadership - Rating: 9/10 The case revolves around the decision-making process of Julia Evans, the CEO of Prestige Ltd., who is faced with the complex dilemma of addressing customer satisfaction and cyberloafing issues. This provides ample opportunities for leadership analysis as Julia navigates through the challenges and makes strategic decisions.
  3. Human Resource Management - Rating: 7/10 The case touches upon human resource management aspects as it deals with issues related to employee productivity, morale, and the challenge of addressing cyberloafing without negatively impacting the company's culture. However, it could benefit from more in-depth exploration of HR strategies and interventions to address these challenges.
  4. General Management - Rating: 9/10 The case is highly relevant to general management, as it involves making decisions that impact the overall performance and success of Prestige Ltd. It requires a comprehensive understanding of the company's financial situation, customer satisfaction levels, and the internal challenges related to cyberloafing.
  5. Strategy - Rating: 8/10 The case study provides a strategic challenge for the CEO, Julia Evans, who must find a balanced solution to improve customer satisfaction and tackle cyberloafing effectively. It prompts readers to analyze and formulate strategies to address these interconnected issues.

Weaknesses of this case structure:

  1. Data Analysis: The case lacks detailed quantitative data analysis to support the presented financial statements, customer satisfaction survey results, and cyberloafing statistics. More robust data analysis would enhance the credibility and depth of the case.
  2. Length and Scenario: The case could benefit from more in-depth scenario development and elaboration of the company's history, previous strategies, and competitive challenges. A longer and more comprehensive case would provide a richer learning experience.

Strengths of this case:

  1. Realistic Scenario: The case study addresses real-world challenges faced by many organizations, making it relevant and relatable for students and business professionals.
  2. Application of Course Concepts: The case covers a wide range of course categories, allowing learners to apply their knowledge of organizational behavior, leadership, human resource management, general management, and strategy to propose solutions.
  3. Engaging Storytelling: The narrative format and the dilemma faced by Julia Evans create an engaging storyline that keeps readers interested and invested in the case.
  4. Multidimensional Impact: The case has multiple dimensions to analyze, including financial performance, customer satisfaction, employee behavior, and decision-making, making it a well-rounded and comprehensive learning tool.
  5. Strategic Relevance: The strategic challenges presented in the case prompt readers to think critically and devise practical strategies to address the issues, enhancing their problem-solving skills.

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