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Case Study
General Management
International Business
This case study presents an intriguing analysis of the international food processing company, "Global Delights." It delves into the company's attempts to align global strategies with principles of inclusivity and sustainability. This realistic and engaging narrative encompasses dilemmas faced by the company, decisions made, and their outcomes. It effectively offers critical insights into the complexities and challenges of navigating the global marketplace, making it a useful tool for exploring a range of business disciplines.
Case Study
Human Resource Management
Organizational Behaviour
The case study presents an in-depth look at ABCD Tech Inc., a high-growth startup grappling with bias in its HR processes. The bias, favoring alumni from select universities and former employees from certain tech companies, stifled leadership diversity within the organization. However, the newly appointed HR manager, James Reynolds, undertakes a series of effective strategies such as bias-mitigation training, structured interviews, diverse hiring panels, and anonymized resume screening. This case is a testament to how startups can maintain rapid growth while addressing biases and promoting a diverse and inclusive work environment.
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GlobalTech, a pioneering multinational technology corporation, has marked its presence in over 70 countries, providing innovative products and solutions across a variety of sectors. They specialize in fields ranging from consumer electronics, software, digital content, and more. This case study focuses on a significant challenge GlobalTech faced concerning its intellectual property (IP) rights, highlighting the evolution of its protection strategies in an era where technology advancements often outpace legal frameworks. GlobalTech, since its inception, has been at the forefront of numerous groundbreaking technological developments. A testament to their innovative prowess is their expansive patent portfolio, which is considered one of the most substantial in the tech industry. However, as the company continued to expand globally, it began facing increasing legal disputes over alleged patent infringements....
2023 Popular Case
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Quantum Financials is a renowned global asset management firm that operates in more than 50 countries. It provides a multitude of financial solutions to institutions, businesses, and individual investors, including asset management, financial planning, risk management, and investment advisory services. Known for its innovation and data-driven decision-making processes, Quantum Financials has become a significant player in the asset management industry, recognized for its reliability and high performance. In this case study, we will delve into Quantum Financial's development and launch of its AI-powered asset management algorithm, Quantum AI, and its impact on the firm and the asset management industry. The company offers a broad spectrum of financial solutions to its clients. Its success can be credited to its ability to innovate and adapt to evolving market trends and client demands. As part of its growth and innovation strategy, Quantum Financials identified a potential opportunity in integrating advanced technology into asset management. In-depth market research and data analysis of its past performances revealed a growing demand for more efficient, automated asset management solutions. Armed with this data, Quantum Financials sought to create an AI-powered algorithm that could optimize asset management for its high-value clients and offer them an unparalleled investing experience....
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Neptune is a pioneering cryptocurrency exchange platform that operates in over 150 countries and territories around the globe. It offers a broad array of digital asset services to institutions, businesses, and individuals, including the trading of various cryptocurrencies, secure wallet storage, and blockchain-based solutions. Neptune's recognition in the crypto world is marked by its iconic trident logo and an unwavering commitment to security and reliability. In this case study, we delve into Neptune's endeavor to launch a new token, the Neptune Pearl (NP), and the impact of this strategic move on the company and the wider cryptocurrency industry.....
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Teaching Notes
Phoenix Motors, a promising player in the emerging electric vehicle industry, presents an intriguing examination of financial management and strategic decision-making in the face of unexpected challenges. This case study explores Phoenix's navigation through a financial crisis, a challenge many new businesses may face. In the rapidly evolving electric vehicle market, Phoenix Motors had made a name for itself with its cutting-edge technology and eco-friendly designs. However, the company was hit by a severe financial setback when a critical technology partner went bankrupt, leading to a substantial increase in R&D costs....
2023 Popular Case
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Teaching Notes
International Business
ClearWater Bottling Co., a leading player in the global beverage industry, stands out for its dedication to sustainability and ethical business practices. This case study scrutinizes ClearWater's encounter with the ethical challenges that accompany a commitment to sustainability in an industry often criticized for its environmental impact. In the competitive beverage market, ClearWater has established a solid customer base with its diverse portfolio of products and its commitment to ethical business practices, most notably sustainability. However, this commitment was put to the test when ClearWater discovered a serious environmental flaw in its supply chain....
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Teaching Notes
International Business
Game-On Tech, a leading video game development company in the heart of Silicon Valley, is revered for its innovative and immersive gaming experiences. This case study delves into Game-On's strategic approach to remaining competitive and relevant in an increasingly saturated video game market. In the rapidly growing world of video gaming, Game-On Tech had carved out a substantial market share with its innovative game designs, immersive storytelling, and groundbreaking graphics. However, as the market matured and competition intensified, Game-On began to see a stagnation in its sales and market share growth. Its challenges were magnified by the rise of small, independent 'indie' game developers that were gaining popularity for their original, lower-cost alternatives to mainstream games....
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International Business
TerraFoods, a premium organic foods brand based in the US, has long been associated with high-quality, sustainable food products, ranging from organic grains and pulses to eco-friendly dairy products. This case study explores TerraFoods' struggle and strategic attempts to reposition its brand image and expand its customer base through digital marketing. As the demand for organic food soared in the market, TerraFoods, despite its quality and environmental-friendly proposition, found itself grappling with stagnating sales and a shrinking market share. In-depth market research revealed that while TerraFoods was highly respected among its loyal, older customers, it had failed to resonate with the younger generation who perceived the brand as outdated and irrelevant to their lifestyle...
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International Business
SpectraCo is a leading consumer electronics firm known worldwide for its innovative, high-quality products, ranging from smartphones and laptops to home automation devices. The crux of this case study is centered on SpectraCo's efforts to overhaul its marketing strategy in the evolving digital landscape, particularly focusing on the effective use of social media. In recent years, the emergence of various social media platforms had fundamentally changed the landscape of marketing and advertising. SpectraCo, despite its established reputation and customer base, found itself needing to adapt to this new marketing paradigm. The challenges of adapting to social media marketing were multifold, including engaging the younger audience, managing online reputation, and ensuring brand consistency across various platforms....
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International Business
Blue Trident Seafood Corporation is a leading seafood supplier operating in over 150 countries worldwide. The company offers a wide range of seafood products and services to businesses, restaurants, and consumers, including fresh and frozen seafood, logistics and distribution services, and innovative seafood solutions. Blue Trident has earned a reputable position in the seafood industry with its iconic logo and commitment to sustainable fishing practices. In this case study, we will delve into Blue Trident's development and launch of its premium seafood product line, Blue Trident Prime, and the impact it had on the company and the seafood industry.
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International Business
CybeleTech is a global tech giant, recognized for its cutting-edge technological solutions and commitment to innovation. The company's operations span across a multitude of industries, ranging from Information Technology (IT) services to Artificial Intelligence (AI) and cloud computing solutions. The focal point of this case study revolves around CybeleTech's transition towards adopting green technologies and the subsequent realignment of their business model.
Case Study
General Management
In this engrossing case study, Sarah, the Sales Director at multinational XYZ Corporation, is confronted with a profound ethical dilemma. She must decide whether to proceed with an aggressive marketing campaign that might blur the line between clever advertising and deceptive marketing. As a defender of the company's commitment to honesty and transparency, Sarah must balance the immediate allure of significant financial gains against the potential risks of damaging the carefully cultivated reputation of the company. The case explores the multifaceted nature of decision-making in business, prompting readers to delve into issues of ethics, leadership, marketing strategy, and the delicate equilibrium between immediate profit and long-term integrity.
Case Study
General Management
Tremor Motors, a globally recognized electric vehicle manufacturing company, is caught in a major ethical quandary due to the unethical labor practices of its primary battery supplier, VoltEnergy. After investigative journalism exposed VoltEnergy's exploitation of its workforce, including unfair wages and forced labor, there is mounting pressure on Tremor to discontinue its partnership with VoltEnergy. This decision is challenging for Tremor's CEO, Angela Brentwood, as VoltEnergy is critical to the company's vehicle performance and production, and ending this partnership could lead to substantial financial losses and production delays. Nonetheless, maintaining the partnership could harm Tremor's reputation and contradict its commitment to corporate social responsibility. The decision Brentwood makes will not only shape the future of Tremor Motors but could also influence the broader automotive industry's approach to ethical dilemmas.
Case Study
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Operations Management
"Jessica's Bakery" is a case study that delves into the entrepreneurial journey of Jessica Bennett, a seasoned sous-chef from a Michelin-starred restaurant who aims to open her own bakery. Venturing into the highly competitive bakery industry, Jessica is confronted with the challenge of crafting an effective business plan to secure investors and ensure the viability of her business. The case explores key aspects of entrepreneurship such as financial planning, marketing, and operations management, while underscoring the importance of a deep understanding of market trends, careful planning, and efficient operations in achieving success. It offers a realistic depiction of the transition from skilled professional to entrepreneur, offering valuable insights for students in entrepreneurship, finance, marketing, and strategy. However, the case also exhibits areas that could benefit from greater depth and complexity, such as data analysis, stakeholder perspectives, and potential business scenarios.
Case Study
Operations Management
This case explores the challenges and opportunities faced by Ethical Beans (EB), a New York-based gourmet coffee retailer committed to ethical sourcing and sustainable business practices. CEO Daniel Olsen is grappling with the increasing complexity of maintaining a fully ethical and sustainable supply chain amid rising customer inquiries about the source of their coffee. Amidst stiff competition from multinational chains, fair-trade-focused brands, and local artisanal roasters, EB strives to balance quality, sustainability, and transparency in a rapidly evolving industry. The case delves into the company's sales model, inventory management, and production planning while emphasizing its commitment to ethical sourcing. Despite challenges related to production capacity constraints, aging machinery, and rising production costs, EB remains steadfast in its mission to deliver premium quality, ethically sourced coffee while emphasizing unparalleled customer service.
Case Study
General Management
Information Systems
Operations Management
Organizational Behaviour
This case study dives into the digital transformation journey of Albright Manufacturing, a traditional manufacturing firm grappling with declining market share due to antiquated operational systems. With the industry rapidly evolving towards Industry 4.0, the newly appointed CEO, John Baker, faces the formidable task of steering the company towards digitization. Amid resistance from the board over the significant investment, Baker's strategy involves implementing IoT, transitioning to cloud computing, and harnessing machine learning. This case provides valuable insights into the practical challenges and potential payoffs of digital transformation in the traditional manufacturing sector.
Case Study
General Management
Human Resource Management
Information Systems
Operations Management
Organizational Behaviour
The case study highlights the transformational journey of XYZ Corporation, a multinational electronics conglomerate that revamped its customer relationship management (CRM) system in response to its rapid growth. Faced with increasing customer dissatisfaction and employee burnout due to an obsolete CRM, the company strategically implemented an AI-powered Salesforce CRM system. Post-implementation, the company experienced significant improvements, with customer wait times decreasing by 45%, satisfaction scores increasing by 30%, and employee stress levels dropping by 20%. The case underscores the importance of adopting modern, scalable CRM systems in the face of business expansion, illustrating how such an overhaul can drive customer satisfaction, employee well-being, and overall business growth.
Case Study
Human Resource Management
International Business
Operations Management
Organizational Behaviour
The Globex case study examines the challenges encountered by a U.S-based multinational corporation during its expansion into the Indian market. Despite replicating technology and processes from their U.S units, Globex faced decreased efficiency, labor unrest, and high employee turnover rates in their Indian manufacturing unit. The crux of the case lies in the investigation led by James Sullivan, the head of Global Operations, who recognized the significance of cultural differences influencing operational management. By implementing customized training, cross-cultural workshops, and localized management practices, Sullivan managed to improve efficiency and reduce turnover rates. This case underscores the importance of cultural intelligence in international business, illustrating the need for companies to balance standardized operations with adaptations tailored to local cultural nuances.
Case Study
General Management
Information Systems
This case study dives into the journey of Nebula Streaming, an established global technology company, as it ventures into the emerging niche of cloud gaming with the introduction of Nebula GameStream. Through strategic foresight, robust market analysis, and innovation, Nebula successfully positions GameStream as a premier choice in the competitive cloud gaming market. The case outlines Nebula's approach to identifying market gaps, tailoring a high-end gaming service, and leveraging data-driven marketing strategies to captivate its target audience. Despite confronting challenges related to server capacity, game licensing, and balancing operational costs, Nebula triumphs in carving out a significant market share, compelling competitors to modify their offerings. The case highlights Nebula's persistent commitment to customer satisfaction and continuous innovation, fostering GameStream's continued success and dominance in the cloud gaming industry.
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General Management
Human Resource Management
Operations Management
Organizational Behaviour
This case study examines the operational challenges faced by Sustainable Textiles (ST), a leading player in the eco-friendly clothing industry, particularly focusing on its inventory management strategies. ST, a San Francisco-based, family-owned business specializes in eco-friendly yoga wear and follows a distinct strategy of maintaining an inventory buffer, enabling rapid production and deliveries. However, this strategy has resulted in significant issues, including an accumulation of unsold inventory, posing a substantial impact on the company's financial health. The case offers a deep-dive into ST's business operations, exploring the balance between demand, production capacity, and inventory management while considering sustainability. It encourages readers to explore potential solutions, offering insights into the dynamics of operating in a competitive, sustainability-focused industry.
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General Management
Human Resource Management
Information Systems
This case study explores the complexities of balancing privacy and copyright concerns with technological innovation, using the fictional company NexTech Solutions as an example. NexTech, a San Francisco-based firm specializing in data analytics and AI, is grappling with issues surrounding its new product, Insight360, which uses machine learning to analyze public social media data. While Insight360 showcases technological advancement, it also raises questions about privacy infringement and potential breach of copyright laws. The company's CEO, Dr. Jane Mitchell, must navigate these challenges to maintain both the company's reputation and financial stability. The case presents an opportunity to engage with the intricate intersection of technology, law, and ethics in the era of digital innovation.
Case Study
General Management
Human Resource Management
Organizational Behaviour
"Sales Strategies at Spark Digital" is a compelling case study about the challenging situation faced by Josh Williams, a Regional Sales Manager at Spark Digital. With the backdrop of a highly competitive digital solutions industry, the case explores the issues of underperformance in sales, client relationships, team management, and competition. The decision-centric case encourages students to navigate the intricacies of sales strategy, leadership, and industry dynamics, providing them with practical insights into real-world business scenarios.
Case Study
General Management
Human Resource Management
International Business
Organizational Behaviour
This case study explores the challenges faced by TechAid, an international tech firm, following the deployment of a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system within its Human Resource Management (HRM) department. Despite the initial success of the CRM system in streamlining HR processes, issues arose around potential biases in the recruitment process. The study focuses on the conundrum faced by TechAid as it grapples with the conflict between the efficiency gains of the CRM system and its commitment to diversity and inclusion. It presents an opportunity for critical analysis of the intersections between technology, bias, and HRM, in the context of ethical decision-making and strategic management.
Case Study
General Management
International Business
Organizational Behaviour
This case study provides a comprehensive insight into how Globex Corporation, a multinational digital services company, confronted and overcame a burgeoning issue of employee burnout within its corporate management specialists. As burnout started affecting the company's critical Customer Relationship Management (CRM) strategies and customer satisfaction levels, Globex adopted a holistic, three-pronged approach focusing on workload management, professional development, and mental health support. The implemented strategies resulted in a significant reduction in burnout rates and a substantial rise in customer satisfaction within a year, illustrating the critical interconnectedness between employee well-being and effective CRM. This case serves as a valuable learning tool for future managers, highlighting the importance of maintaining a healthy and motivated workforce for successful CRM.
Case Study
General Management
International Business
Organizational Behaviour
"Cadbury: Focus on the Essential—Maximize the Experience" traces the trajectory of Cadbury, a renowned British confectionery company, from its humble beginnings in 1824 to its status as a global brand. The case underscores Cadbury's enduring commitment to quality and its continual evolution to meet changing consumer preferences and market trends. It explores how Cadbury navigates market saturation, health concerns, and competitive pressures, innovating its product line and marketing strategies to sustain its appeal to different generations. The case also delves into Cadbury's venture into new markets, with particular emphasis on its strategic entry into China and India. A significant highlight is Cadbury's response to a salmonella scare, shedding light on the brand's crisis management and commitment to customer trust and safety. With its multidimensional focus on marketing, strategy, international business, ethics, and leadership, this case provides rich material for critical analysis and learning.
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General Management
Human Resource Management
Operations Management
"The Parable of HyperNet" is a thought-provoking case study that explores the intricate dynamics of ethics and entrepreneurship. It revolves around the charismatic CEO, James Woo, who finds himself at a crucial ethical crossroads as his tech startup, HyperNet, gains prominence. The case delves into the challenging decision James faces, balancing financial gain and market dominance with the protection of user privacy. It navigates through various realms of business, touching upon strategy, entrepreneurship, and the responsibilities of leaders. By delving into the ethical dimensions of business decisions, this case study prompts readers to critically analyze the implications of their actions and consider the broader impact on employees, customers, investors, and competitors.
Case Study
General Management
Human Resource Management
Operations Management
"Preventing Burnout in Corporate Management: Implementing Organizational Behavior Techniques" is an engaging case study that provides a comprehensive exploration of the burnout issue within the context of a globally renowned technology firm, Alpha Corp. With an illustrative narrative based on Alpha Corp.'s experience, the case study encapsulates the depth of the burnout problem, its potential triggers, and its far-reaching impacts on the organization's productivity and employee satisfaction. Simultaneously, it guides readers through Alpha Corp.'s initial strategies to combat burnout and invites further contemplation about effective measures for fostering a healthier work environment. Despite some shortcomings in detailed data analysis and context specification, this case study serves as a thought-provoking tool for learning about burnout prevention in corporate management, effectively bridging the realms of human resource management, organizational behavior, and strategic decision-making.
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General Management
Information Systems
Operations Management
"3D Printing Revolutionizes Prosthetics Manufacturing" is a 3-page case study that explores how MakerBot Industries transformed the field of prosthetics manufacturing through the application of 3D printing technology. The case delves into the inefficiencies and high costs traditionally associated with prosthetics production, and details MakerBot's innovative approach to overcome these challenges. The company's journey, from recognizing the problem to executing a successful strategy, serves as an inspiration for disruptive innovation. The case provides insights into MakerBot's efforts to develop customized, cost-effective, and quickly-produced prosthetics, leading to an improved quality of life for end-users. It offers an in-depth understanding of the far-reaching impact of technology on traditional industries, making it a valuable resource for business professionals, students, tech enthusiasts, healthcare professionals, and policymakers. The MakerBot case study stands as a testament to the potential societal benefits of business innovation and the transformative power of technology.
Case Study
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General Management
Human Resource Management
Operations Management
Organizational Behaviour
This case study examines the operational challenges faced by Sustainable Textiles (ST), a leading player in the eco-friendly clothing industry, particularly focusing on its inventory management strategies. ST, a San Francisco-based, family-owned business specializes in eco-friendly yoga wear and follows a distinct strategy of maintaining an inventory buffer, enabling rapid production and deliveries. However, this strategy has resulted in significant issues, including an accumulation of unsold inventory, posing a substantial impact on the company's financial health. The case offers a deep-dive into ST's business operations, exploring the balance between demand, production capacity, and inventory management while considering sustainability. It encourages readers to explore potential solutions, offering insights into the dynamics of operating in a competitive, sustainability-focused industry.

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