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Accounting (13)

General Management (55)

Finance (18)

Information Systems (23)

Operations Management (16)

Communications (7)

Marketing (26)

International Business (19)

Leadership (26)

Economics & Public Policy (6)

Human Resource MGMT (35)

Strategy (63)

Organizational Behaviour (34)

Entrepreneurship (12)

Legal (2)

Ethics (37)

Sustainability (9)

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Case Study
Human Resource Management
Operations Management
Organizational Behaviour
"Health and Safety Management at Stellar Manufacturing Co." is a detailed case study examining the critical role of Human Resource (HR) Management in addressing workplace safety issues. This case illustrates the challenges faced by Stellar, an automotive manufacturing firm, when dealing with an unexpected surge in workplace injuries and safety violations. It focuses on the strategies devised by the HR Director, Catherine Grant, to curb these incidents, while showcasing the intricate balance between maintaining employee safety and managing costs. This real-world scenario aims to offer students valuable insights into the complexities of health and safety management within HR, equipping them with practical skills for future business challenges.
Case Study
General Management
Human Resource Management
International Business
The case study titled "Navigating Regulatory Compliance in HR Management at Stellar Tech Corp" delves into the complexities of ensuring regulatory compliance in a rapidly expanding tech company. It illustrates how Stellar Tech Corp, with operations in multiple states, grappled with an array of employment laws and regulations amid swift growth. Despite a small and inexperienced HR team, strategic planning and technology were utilized to manage these challenges, providing valuable lessons in HR management, strategy, and decision-making. This case provides a realistic depiction of the difficulties faced by many growing organizations and offers practical solutions for overcoming them.
Case Study
General Management
Human Resource Management
Organizational Behaviour
This case study examines the challenges faced by FlexTech, a San Francisco-based tech start-up, in maintaining labor law compliance across its multi-state operations. With a small HRM team, FlexTech grapples with the complexities of varying state regulations, enforcement, knowledge deficits, and time constraints. The case delves into potential solutions, including hiring a compliance officer, outsourcing HR functions, implementing HR software, and professional training, along with their financial implications. It serves as a rich educational tool for business students and professionals, fostering critical thinking, strategic decision-making, and problem-solving skills.
Case Study
General Management
Human Resource Management
International Business
This case study dives into the challenges faced by TechnoEdge, a rapidly expanding tech startup, in managing its Human Resource (HR) compliance across multiple regions. As the company grows, the HR team, led by Lisa, struggles with navigating the complexities of local and international employment laws. The case presents various potential solutions, including implementing compliance software, hiring a legal expert, or investing in training and development, prompting students to consider each option's cost and long-term impacts. This case offers an opportunity to explore real-world HR issues, encouraging critical thinking and strategic decision-making.
2023 Popular Case
Case Study
Information Systems
The ZestyZap case explores the entrepreneurial journey of a tech startup venturing into the fiercely competitive online delivery industry. It provides an in-depth look at the company's strategies, challenges, and decision-making processes, emphasizing innovative solutions like community engagement, collaborative tech development, and regulatory compliance. The case not only highlights the multifaceted nature of running a startup but also the importance of innovation, resilience, and strategic planning in the face of obstacles. It serves as a valuable resource for aspiring entrepreneurs and business enthusiasts, offering insights into real-world business scenarios.
Case Study
Economics and Public Policy
General Management
This case study investigates the journey of EcoRide, a start-up in the electric vehicle (EV) industry, and the unique challenges it faces. As EcoRide strives to make affordable, high-performance EVs, it must navigate complex intersections of economics, public policy, and business strategy. Key issues include high production costs due to expensive battery technology, the need for extensive charging infrastructure, customer range anxiety, and the shifting landscape of government incentives and traditional automaker lobbying. This case provides rich insight into the dynamics of operating within the rapidly evolving EV market.
2023 Popular Case
Case Study
General Management
Information Systems
This case study delves into the strategic journey undertaken by PayPal to cater to the high-end consumer segment through the launch of its premium service, the PayPal Platinum. It explores the process of identifying a market niche, crafting a service to address their unique needs, and the strategies employed for positioning, marketing, and managing the product. Despite facing stiff competition and initial rollout challenges, the PayPal Platinum service successfully resonated with its target audience, setting a benchmark for premium digital financial services. The case presents valuable insights into the intricacies of product innovation, strategic marketing, and brand management in the digital finance industry.
Case Study
General Management
Information Systems
Organizational Behaviour
The Stellar Performance Corp (SPC) case study examines the company's challenges in the fast-paced and competitive high-performance computer components industry. Amidst increasing competition and changing sales landscape, SPC grapples with problems in sales forecasting, territory alignment, and sales force motivation. The case proposes data-driven solutions that involve leveraging data analytics, adopting a customer-centric approach to territory alignment, and incentivizing the sales force. This case study offers a glimpse into the realities of strategic sales management in a rapidly evolving industry.
Case Study
Economics and Public Policy
General Management/Strategy
Information Systems
This case study delves into GlobalTech Solutions' strategic venture into AI-powered sales management software with the launch of SalesMaster. The journey illuminates how GlobalTech capitalized on market trends, adapted to technological advancements, and navigated the competition. Despite initial challenges, SalesMaster quickly gained traction due to its superior functionality, innovative features, and the company's customer-centric approach. The case offers valuable insights into strategic decision-making, market analysis, and the role of innovation in a highly competitive digital landscape.
Case Study
General Management
Human Resource Management
Organizational Behaviour
TechnoPeak Corp, a highly successful software solutions firm, is grappling with a significant drop in employee morale, affecting productivity and attrition rates. This complex case presents a compelling look at how a lack of strategic direction, increased workload, and disconnection from core values can impact a diverse and globally spread workforce. As CEO Amelia Clarkson considers various strategies from team-building initiatives to a complete management revamp, this case invites an examination of critical human resource, strategic, and leadership decisions necessary to address such an intricate organizational issue.
Case Study
Organizational Behaviour
The Volkswagen Emissions Scandal case study delves into the unethical practices of a global auto giant that led to one of the largest corporate crises in history. The case explores various aspects of this scandal, highlighting the role of leadership, business strategy, corporate ethics, organizational behavior, and sustainability in the transgressions. The case serves as a potent reminder of the significance of ethical practices and responsible decision-making in the corporate world, providing valuable lessons for businesses and leaders.
Case Study
General Management
The Volkswagen (VW) Dieselgate case study dissects one of the most significant corporate scandals in recent history. It delves into the detrimental financial and strategic decisions that led VW to manipulate emissions data, resulting in a severe hit to their reputation and finances. The case further explores the aftermath of this ethical crisis, showcasing how VW managed to navigate through the repercussions and realign its strategy towards electric vehicles, thus initiating a path to recovery. As a critical resource for various disciplines, this case offers profound insights into the consequences of unethical practices and the importance of strategic realignment, financial management, and sustainability in corporate operations.
Case Study
General Management
Organizational Behaviour
This case study explores a pivotal ethical dilemma faced by EcoTech Inc., a multinational eco-friendly tech firm. A discrepancy is discovered in the advertised and actual performance of their flagship product, the EcoTech Solar Charger. Jane Doe, the head of the accounting department, must decide whether to reveal this inconsistency, potentially impacting sales and employee morale, or to stay silent, preserving immediate profits but risking long-term customer trust and legal repercussions. The case underscores the complex interplay of ethics, marketing, and accounting in modern business, demonstrating the challenges of balancing short-term financial gains with long-term reputation and integrity.
Case Study
General Management
Information Systems
This case study revolves around HighTech Inc., a tech industry leader facing an ethical dilemma concerning their popular product, the SmartSphere. The product's unique learning feature, driven by extensive data collection from users, was not explicitly disclosed in marketing campaigns, stirring internal concerns amid rising global privacy sensitivities. Furthermore, the accounting department wrestles with the potential for product returns and subsequent revenue recognition implications. As the CEO, the challenge lies in navigating this complex issue, balancing the potential risks to the company's reputation, customer trust, and the need for transparent financial reporting. This case illuminates the intricate intersections of ethics, accounting, marketing, and management in the contemporary business world.
Case Study
General Management
Information Systems
International Business
This case study explores GigaNet Global's innovative venture into high-speed public internet services with the launch of GigaNet PublicNet. It investigates the company's strategic decision-making, extensive market research, and how GigaNet identified a gap in the market for superior public internet services. The case further discusses the success of PublicNet, its significant impact on the telecommunications industry, and how competitors responded to this innovative disruption. This in-depth analysis provides a rich understanding of the dynamics of competition, strategy, and innovation in a rapidly evolving industry landscape.
Case Study
Economics and Public Policy
General Management
Information Systems
Organizational Behaviour
This case study explores the transformative journey of Checker Rides, a traditional taxi service, as it grapples with the digital disruption caused by the rise of ride-hailing platforms. Faced with dwindling market share, Checker Rides strategically shifts its business model, developing a digital platform that combines the convenience of ride-hailing apps with regulatory compliance and a strong emphasis on driver welfare. Despite significant challenges, Checker Rides succeeds in capturing a substantial market share, instigating changes within the industry and demonstrating the power of innovation and strategic adaptation in the face of rapid market changes.
Case Study
General Management
Human Resource Management
Information Systems
Organizational Behaviour
TechHaven, a growing tech firm, confronted high employee turnover rates that threatened its financial stability. Dissatisfaction with management styles and limited career advancement opportunities were driving employees away. In response, the company's HR department initiated a significant transformation, leveraging HR analytics and focusing on talent management. By investing in these areas, TechHaven significantly reduced its turnover rate from 20% to 16%, resulting in substantial cost savings. The case underscores the crucial role of strategic HR practices in maintaining a company's financial health and enhancing workforce engagement.
Case Study
General Management
Human Resource Management
Organizational Behaviour
This case study examines OptimaCorp, a multinational tech firm grappling with a rising issue of employee burnout, particularly within its mid-level management. The escalating situation has triggered an unprecedented surge in resignations and a significant decline in productivity and job satisfaction. The case presents a compelling look at OptimaCorp's journey from recognizing this critical problem to exploring potential strategies to curb burnout, underlining the complex dynamics of organizational behavior and management. It throws light on the importance of balancing performance metrics with employee well-being in a demanding corporate landscape.
Case Study
General Management
Information Systems
SkywardTech, a successful SaaS company specializing in cloud-based project management, is experiencing slowing growth amid escalating competition. The rise of AI-integrated solutions and large tech firms' entry into the market present formidable challenges. This case study focuses on SkywardTech's strategic decisions as they navigate this changing landscape. The company's future growth and market position hinge upon their ability to adapt and innovate. As readers, we delve into the crucial considerations of their executive team, which include the potential for advancing AI capabilities, rebranding efforts, or exploring new niches. This case offers a deep-dive into strategic decision-making within a rapidly evolving industry.
Case Study
Organizational Behaviour
The case study focuses on CommsCo, a telecommunication company undergoing transformation under its new CEO, Sarah Johnson. Her leadership, marked by fostering transparency and collaborative strategies, effectively improved CommsCo's overall performance and morale. By integrating regular company-wide meetings, real-time financial tracking, and a comprehensive marketing approach, Johnson managed to increase sales and employee satisfaction while decreasing marketing costs. This case study serves as a relevant example of effective leadership and the importance of transparent communication in driving company growth.
Case Study
General Management
This case study revolves around Trendsetters Inc., a fashion company grappling with a dilemma between aggressive marketing and maintaining profit margins. Despite achieving robust revenue growth and increased brand visibility through its marketing efforts, the company's net profit margins have been shrinking. The case presents the real-world conflict between marketing and accounting priorities and the complex decision-making required by CEO Marianne Sullivan. By investigating this predicament, students can explore concepts across accounting, marketing, general management, finance, and strategy, offering a multi-disciplinary learning experience.
Case Study
General Management
This case study delves into the ethical and management crises faced by Starstruck Media, a globally recognized online streaming platform, during 2023. Two main issues take center stage: a marketing controversy over a sensitive documentary and significant accounting errors that overestimated profits. These dilemmas force Starstruck's leadership to navigate a challenging terrain of public relations, investor trust, and potential legal consequences, while reconsidering their commitment to ethical business practices. The case serves as a potent tool for exploring the complex dynamics of ethics, marketing, finance, and strategic decision-making in business.
Case Study
General Management
Human Resource Management
The case of 'Bullseye Investments' addresses a key issue in the financial services sector: aligning employee compensation with company performance. The firm, currently using a fixed salary compensation model, is considering a shift to performance-based pay to retain its competitive edge. However, this shift poses challenges, including potential impact on employee morale, risk of promoting excessive risk-taking, and the difficulty of balancing rewards for individual and team performances. The case underscores the complexities of implementing such changes and their potential ramifications on company culture and ethical behavior, calling for a careful and strategic approach.
Case Study
Teaching Notes
General Management
Information Systems
This case study explores Salesforce's strategic approach to B2B sales management amidst growing market competition in the 2020s. Recognizing the need to evolve their sales practices, Salesforce implemented a consultative sales model and placed a strong emphasis on ethics. These initiatives improved their customer relationships, led to significant sales growth, and reinforced Salesforce's industry leadership. Despite operating in a saturated market, Salesforce managed to maintain its competitive edge through effective sales strategies and a commitment to continuous professional development. The case offers valuable insights into the practical application of sales management theory in a real-world context.
Case Study
General Management
Information Systems
Operations Management
Organizational Behaviour
This case delves into Starbucks' operational challenge that arose from the increasing popularity of its Mobile Order & Pay feature. While the feature was introduced to enhance customer experience and reduce in-store wait times, it inadvertently led to a service bottleneck, complicating operations both for in-store customers and employees. The case presents a scenario where Starbucks needs to balance operational efficiency, customer satisfaction, employee wellbeing, and cost-effectiveness. With multiple potential solutions offered, each with its own implications and trade-offs, this case offers students valuable insights into service design complexities, operational management, and the strategic alignment of solutions with brand values.
Case Study
General Management
Human Resource Management
The Volkswagen emissions scandal, often referred to as "Dieselgate," is a landmark case in corporate ethics and strategy. In 2015, the automotive giant was discovered to have installed "defeat devices" in their vehicles to manipulate emissions tests, resulting in levels of pollution up to 40 times the legal limit. This deceptive practice not only damaged Volkswagen's reputation but also posed significant challenges from a human resource management and marketing perspective. The scandal is a profound illustration of the repercussions of ethical breaches and the importance of fostering a culture that encourages ethical conduct and open communication. It provides a rich multidisciplinary learning ground, spanning areas of ethics, strategy, HR, and crisis management.
Case Study
In this case study, we delve into the challenges faced by SunRise, a California-based renewable energy startup spearheaded by Samuel Gibson, a dedicated energy engineer. SunRise is on the cusp of a significant breakthrough, with prototypes of advanced solar panels and wind turbines promising superior efficiency and longevity. However, the company finds itself at a crossroads, needing substantial capital to transition from prototypes to market-ready products. The case centers around the crucial decisions Samuel needs to make regarding securing this funding, exploring themes of entrepreneurship, finance, strategy, sustainability, and leadership.
Case Study
General Management
Information Systems
This case study delves into the intriguing journey of SparkTech, an innovative tech startup in the IoT landscape, and the ethical challenges it faces. SparkTech, despite its notable market success, finds itself embroiled in a controversy over alleged data privacy violations. The case presents a complex scenario where the entrepreneur must maintain the integrity of his company while balancing the interests of investors, stakeholders, and customers. The narrative underscores the critical need for aligning entrepreneurial ambition with ethical conduct and offers a comprehensive exploration into the intersection of business, technology, and ethics.
Integrating AI19/07/2023
Case Study
General Management
Information Systems
Organizational Behaviour
This case study revolves around the strategic decision-making process at XYZ Corp, a multinational retailer, considering integrating Artificial Intelligence (AI) into its operations. The newly appointed CIO, Sarah Turner, is tasked with evaluating the potential benefits, such as improved supply chain management and enhanced customer experience, against the significant challenges, including substantial implementation costs and potential job reductions. This case presents a realistic dilemma requiring critical analysis and decision-making across various facets such as Information Systems, Strategy, General Management, Ethics, and Organizational Behavior. The decision to implement AI could potentially impact a wide range of stakeholders, including employees, customers, and shareholders, making it a complex, multi-layered issue to navigate.
Case Study
General Management
Information Systems
This case study titled "Navigating Communication Complexity: Integrated Marketing Communication Strategies at Horizon Technologies" explores how Horizon Technologies, a renowned player in the global software industry, maneuvered through the intricacies of maintaining a coherent brand identity amid the explosion of new digital communication platforms. By transitioning towards an Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) strategy, Horizon aimed to unify its multi-channel brand communication, enhance customer experience, and regain its competitive edge in the market. Though the complete impact of this strategic shift was yet to be fully assessed by mid-2023, early signs pointed towards increased social media engagement and improved brand awareness, signaling a promising start.

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